We can purchase any goods from Japan’s specialty shops / physical shops / limited period shops / online shops. We could buy the goods which you want to purchase. As long as the goods are not dangerous goods under aviation law and can be bought in Japan, we can help you.
All inquiries are welcome!
🎉 Welcome to [cotwohk.com] Personal Shopping Service! 🇯🇵
Looking for the latest trends or unique finds from Japan? Look no further! Our team is here to assist you with all your personal shopping needs.
Simply send us a message with your wishlist, and we’ll take care of the rest. Enjoy hassle-free shopping and timely delivery, right to your doorstep!
For inquiries or to place an order, feel free to reach out to us here. We can’t wait to help you discover the best of Japan!
Happy shopping! 🛍️✨
E-mail : order_cotwohk@cotwohk.com
Tel : +852 28937760
whatsapp / LINE / Wechat : +852 64158518
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/cotwoHK
instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cotwohk/
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服務: Service: |
我們可以代您在日本網店預訂您所需的商品。預訂貨品需要支付至少一半的貨品金額作為訂金。貨品將於付訂金後約7-10日送達。 若不幸貨品已售罄,我們將全額退還您的訂金。請注意我們回覆的預訂價格不包括寄往您所在地的運費。 We can pre-order the item for you from Japan’s online store. A deposit of at least half of the item’s value is required upon pre-ordering. The item will be delivered to our store approximately 7-10 days after the deposit is paid. If, unfortunately, the item you pre-ordered is sold out, we will fully refund your deposit. |
請注意我們回覆的預訂價格不包括寄往您所在地的運費。 Please note that the pre-order price provided does not include shipping costs to your location. |
在您提交訂單後,我們將盡快回覆貨品的預訂價格。由於預訂價格將按當日匯率計算,因此價格僅在我們回覆的電子郵件當天有效。如果您未能在指定時間內支付訂金,請重新發送訂單以重新報價。 After submitting your order, we will promptly respond with the pre-order price of the item. As this price is based on the current exchange rate, it is only valid on the day of our email reply. If the deposit is not paid within the specified timeframe, please resubmit the order form for a new pre-order price. |
運費: Shipping Cost: |
運費將在提貨時收取。貨品送抵我們店鋪後,運費將按貨品的重量或體積(較高者)計算。 體積的計算方法為:長度(厘米)x 寬度(厘米)x 高度(厘米)/ 5000。每500克運費為港幣45元(不足500克將按500克收費)。 The shipping cost will be charged upon collection of the item. It will be calculated based on the weight or volume of the goods, whichever is higher. The volume calculation formula is as follows: length (cm) x width (cm) x height (cm) / 5000. Every 500g will incur a shipping cost of HKD 45 (rounded up to 500g for weights less than 500g). By placing an order, customers acknowledge and agree to the aforementioned shipping cost method. |
注意事項 : Caution: |
根據日本的出口限制,某些貨品可能無法提供國際郵寄服務。在購買前,請自行查詢閣下所在國家的相關規定。對於因此造成的損失,我們不承擔任何責任,並且不接受取消訂單的要求。一旦發現國際郵寄禁運品已寄出,將根據運送公司的規定處理,所有費用由閣下負擔。 您可以查看禁運品一覽表以獲取更多信息。 Some items are restricted or prohibited for international shipping according to Japanese regulations. Customers are responsible for researching these restrictions before making a purchase. We are not liable for any losses incurred due to mistaken purchases and do not accept cancellation requests after purchase. We do not assume any responsibility for compensation or refunds for items that cannot be shipped overseas. Any prohibited items discovered after shipping will incur handling fees or costs charged by the shipping company, which will be the customer’s responsibility. Please refer to the BANNED ITEMS LIST for more information.. |